Sunday, October 9, 2011

Mid-term Prep

Mid-terms begin this week.  I have been studying, but I have no idea if it is how I should be studying.  I keep hearing that these are different types of exams and even though I have done the prep material and reviewed the previews mid-terms I still have no idea what to do.  I am torn between being nervous and stressed out and just not having the energy to be that stressed since I am so busy studying and preparing for the mid-terms.  It has been a crazy first half of the semester and I just felt like I was getting my head above the water and getting a steady pace going to keep me afloat.  Now, this and I just feel like someone is shoving my head underwater again.  It is just so much of rush, rush, rush, and now did you learn anything during the rush?  It is so different than my other college experiences.  My classmates are starting to worry about summer class already, and here I am just trying to make sure I pass mid-terms and then finals.  The pressure of what others think and how they are acting is starting to make me nervous, that since my mind is not as far forward in worrying and time frames as theirs is, that I am falling behind and wont do well in law school.  I am really trying to just worry about myself and do the best that I can, but sometimes like today that was really hard to do.
Here is to hoping that I do well and at the bare minimum pass my mid-terms.

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