Monday, October 24, 2011

Midterms are back

I received my midterms back today, one was good one was not so good.  I go tomorrow to see my professor to try and help me do better for finals.  I know I keep saying all I need is a C to pass and keep my 2.0 GPA.  I really want to pass and do well, I will settle for passing, but seeing a bad grade today almost made me have a panic attack.  The only thing that kept me from completely freaking out was that I was in a crowded classroom and I caught my chest tightening and my breathing was off.  I focused very hard on breathing steadily and not letting my panic get too high.  I am faltering at something for the first time in my life, I don't know how to handle this or what this means for me.  I just want to pass, I just want to enjoy the time I have in law school, I want to enjoy my life.  I am sacrificing so much time with studying, preparing for class, and going to law school that I upset that it might not be paying off for me. Is the sacrifice worth it?  Will the things I am giving up now be equal to or greater than the experiences that law school will give me?

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