Saturday, October 15, 2011

mid-terms over with

well my mid-terms are over and done with.  Now the waiting game of getting mid-terms back and waiting to see how I did (please lord, I know there are more important things in the world to focus on, but please let me have at least earned a C on both of them).  I am completely exhausted and am thankful that the lake is able to restore my soul, because I am starting to think that being in law school is making me into a stressed out lunatic.  I am clueless on how I did, how I think I did, and what the curve, if any, will do to my grade.  This is a very, very strange thing to do to myself for four years.  I just keep hearing people tell me that it will be worth it in the end.  Honestly, right now I just want to pass my classes.  I am also trying to figure out what I will be doing this summer, should I try for an internship or stick with just taking classes?  Decisions, decisions, and my brain is not really able to make those right now.  Today, I am lucky that I didn't have a lot to pick from when getting dressed, because any type of decision today will be hard for my brain to make.

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