Saturday, September 3, 2011

week 2

I made it though the 2nd week of classes, just in time to celebrate Labor Day weekend, only to realize just how much reading, case briefing, and studying for Tuesday's test.  I have no idea how to study for a legal writing exam, because in class even if I spot the 'right' issue I never seem to write it the way the professor does.  I am starting to think it will be a miracle if I don't flunk out.  At least, I hope I will do better in my other classes, maybe that can offset any bad grades I will get in legal writing.  It is such a strange concept to me that a class grade will be determined by only one or two exams.  I know I read material ahead of time that warned me of this, but it is still so strange.  I am coming to realize my previous need to be an A student is not as important as it once was, for many reasons, but mainly because I don't think I have enough time in the day or my life to be that obsessive about it.  I am starting to come up for air and feel like I am starting to tread water, but I don't have my head up high enough for me to breath easily.  I hope that as the semester goes on I get into a routine, and that this becomes easier.  Is this one of those mind over matters issues, like the Little Engine Who Could, if I keep telling myself that I will survive and it will be easier, it will become so.
I guess I'll have to wait and figure it out.

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