Tuesday, September 13, 2011


There was a surprise today, one of my classmates has left.  I did not see this coming, and while I have thought about leaving I at least want to give it a real shot instead of just a few short weeks.  I got called on in class, and my classmates told me I did a good job, not sure if I did or not, but I don't feel like the professor was calling on me or trying to make me feel stupid.  I have no idea how or why but I don't think the Socratic method is a bad thing, maybe it is because I have had professors who used it before.
I don't know what to make of a classmate leaving.  I am still very stressed and think that these next four years will be the hardest and most frustrating of my life.  I don't feel like I know material, and I am constantly confused about what is expected and what I need to do or have ready or understand or know already.
I am more confused now than when I started law school.

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