Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Week 1

I started classes, survived week one and only had one major meltdown over the weekend.  Tons of smaller meltdowns during the week, but only one major one.  I like the classes, I like my classmates, I feel like I am sinking in quicksand with my lack of knowledge, and I am thinking it is best to pretend things just don't exist instead of dealing with the fear.  I have no idea if what I am doing is right, or if I am even going to survive the next four years.  I need to buy stock in Pepto Bismo, since my stomach is constantly telling me that I want to throw up, and have been downing it on almost a daily basis.  I can't write or think in complete thoughts anymore and as I write this I am running through the list of readings and assignments that I need to start doing.  Tons of cases to brief and way to many pages of a foreign language to read.  I am regretting not taking Latin in high school, and trying to remember if it was even offered for me to regret not taking it.  I give up!  No, wait I don't, no wait I do, no wait I don't, no wait I do.  My mind can't make decisions anymore, I am lucky if I remember anything at all.  -This has been my week in such a nutshell, and now I have to get back to briefing cases and reading how to do legal writing.  I may never see my friends in the four years as my nights are taken up with classes and reading for them.

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