Thursday, August 18, 2011

Orientation Done

I have completed the orientation to law school, and I am more scared now than ever.  Do they make is seem worse so that you get though and realize it hasn't been 4 years of hell?  Yes, I have heard several times over the last few days that it will be 4 years of hell, 4 incredibly hard years, 4 years of hardship, etc.  I just keep questioning is it really worth it?  Will it be something that will be able to do?  This week is making me question it more than I have before.  I hope I can do this, I just don't know how much I am willing to give up to make it happen.

1 comment:

  1. Shella,
    I've watched a few very friends go through this before, and I really think part of the experience is being worried and scared and stressed out--but at the end of the experience, you get the confidence that comes from haven been through it. Sort of like BootCamp for reading/writing/arguing. I have a great deal of faith in your abilities and your sense of self. Remember to breathe, and trying to remember what your amazing self is really capable of! As a very brilliant friend once said in High School... "Have confidence in your abilities to make things go right."
