Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Why do they wait to tell you this?

Filling out the application to take the bar, usually you don't hear about it until your last year in law school.  However, being an evening student with a full-time job this advice would have been nice to know.  Thankfully, I had classmates that were a class ahead of me and gave me some of this advice.  I read this article in Student Lawyer, and thought it was funny that this advice is given so rarely.
If you are in law school, or if you are considering going to law school save this article and look at it now, and again after you complete your first year of law school.

Key take aways:
-make a list of every place you have ever lived
-make a list of every job you have ever had
-look at the application often so you know what you will have to answer
-submit it sooner rather than later, once you are within the allowable window

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