Saturday, December 27, 2014

Best $200 to spend in law school

Law School is expensive, there is no way around it.

However, I would like to give this piece of advice to all incoming law school students:
Spend the $100 to lock in the Barbri price and the other $100 to lock in or get the Kaplan 1st year lectures and questions.  And do this in your first semester of law school
You should do this for a few reasons
1. you lock in prices (they only go up, so locking in the price your sooner is better).
2. you get access to lectures and questions to help you study for your 1L classes
3. after you get access to both for the 1L classes you can better figure out which lectures are better suited to your learning style and which question bank helps you more.
****side note you can get the Kaplan question bank for the bar exam for several hundred dollars if you go with Barbi, and the more practice questions the better you will be for the bar****
4. the outlines each company has helps you figure out how to do outlines for your first year courses
5. They offer free MPRE courses so it gives you more notice on which one would be better to help you study
6. you need to hear the information repeatedly and these lectures are on-demand.

My advice, spend the $200, and get access to both to lock in prices and help you figure out how you want to spend your bar prep class money.

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