Tuesday, November 11, 2014

words are really what law school comes down to

"Words are the tools of our trade."
One of my professors repeated this so much that it became an automatic response back to her once she started it.

She is right, but not just about what lawyers write.  She is right in that words are how law school students learn and the difference in wording could mean the difference in understanding a concept or not.  I am starting to study for finals and I realize why over the last three years I consult multiple study aides when studying for exams.  The way different people present concepts may help me understand it better than the way I read it from the casebook or heard my professor explain it.  Words help students understand - this is not shocking, it is not a new discovery or profound new wisdom.

For any future law school student, don't just get one study aide, get multiple study aides.  The study aid that worked for you in one class may not be as helpful in another subject.  The library is a great place to borrow material to see what will work for you in each subject area.  If you can afford it (or if you have points that you can use on Lexis) buy the un-used (meaning new) study material.  You will need it when you review for the bar.

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