Thursday, January 23, 2014

Best line heard today

Between two classmates who are veterans
"Did you see the JAG Moot Court downstairs?" - Classmate 1
"I saw all those uniforms, thought hell no, did an about face and when on about my own mission of getting out of there."  - Classmate 2
"Yeah, I had enough of that in my 22 years." - Classmate 1
"It brought back some PTSD issues from my 8 years." Classmate 2

DE class - best line tonight
"Has anyone ever gone snipe hunting? My dad took me snipe hunting one night in Alaska when I was 5..." proceeds to tell a sad story
"I was recently told that there really is a snipe bird, but if someone asks me to go snipe hunting you remember this story and say..." - professor
"NO" - class
"or hell no" - professor

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