Thursday, January 23, 2014

Best line heard today

Between two classmates who are veterans
"Did you see the JAG Moot Court downstairs?" - Classmate 1
"I saw all those uniforms, thought hell no, did an about face and when on about my own mission of getting out of there."  - Classmate 2
"Yeah, I had enough of that in my 22 years." - Classmate 1
"It brought back some PTSD issues from my 8 years." Classmate 2

DE class - best line tonight
"Has anyone ever gone snipe hunting? My dad took me snipe hunting one night in Alaska when I was 5..." proceeds to tell a sad story
"I was recently told that there really is a snipe bird, but if someone asks me to go snipe hunting you remember this story and say..." - professor
"NO" - class
"or hell no" - professor

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Just a comment on life lessons

Please do not name your children of any of the following:
-or do any funky spelling of what might be a normal sounding name

The first day of classes are always misleading the professors are very different than how they tell you they will be.  No matter what they say.

Ladies if your button down shirt looks like it is going to pop a button any second, think twice about your shirt and select something else.

Little children love most everything and almost everyone, we should all try to strive to be more like that.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

First Days of Classes Can be misleading

Last Thursday I thought my DE professor would be the best and funniest teacher of the semester.  I was wrong - Monday she made me fear her and not enjoy being in her class.  The horror stories of other classmates have since been told to me and I don't feel like I will be taking her summer course no matter how much I like her subject.

Last Thursday I thought my Family Law professor was as scary as a military drill Sargent.  She has since shown herself to be a great teacher, who will make me think and really learn the topic.

Today I am overwhelmingly impressed by my plea bargaining professor.  I am hopefully that he keeps this up, I don't want to be disappointed by a teacher that promises to teach practical skills instead of theory and actually care about his students.