Monday, September 16, 2013

Best things overheard in law school

Negligence, whatever that is.

People in law school do not like math.
NO, because math is straight forward.

They don't know what they are missing.  A reality show would hit gold if they followed evening law school students around at their job all day, then in law school at night for several hours.  We are crazy!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


What is thingyness?

Sometimes law professors ask the best questions.  Tonight this was the best line of the day/night and yes there really is a serious answer to this rather silly sounding question.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Third Fall Semester Begins

In a few short days my Third Fall Semester of Law School will begin.  I am already preparing and trying to get readings done for the first two weeks.  I am amazed at how quickly the summer went by and how much I enjoyed the summer classes I was in.
I am getting ready to start what will be a crazy ride, but one that I have come to enjoy and dread in equal parts depending upon the moment you catch me.  I enjoy the classes, the classmates, the learning, the research, the experiences.  I dread the massive amounts of reading (which is odd since I love to read to so much), the massive amounts of case briefing, the writing (I admit I am not the best at it), and the exams.  Even as I teacher I don't feel exams are always the best way to show learning that has occurred.  I am looking forward to this semester, maybe more than the previous semesters.

I made it half-way this four year journey in my life, and I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.  It is faint, but I see the edges of the rays.  Right now I am feeling like myself, but we will see how I feel in December after finals.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Predictions for my future

I have been told that while the legal profession needs people like me, I will probably not like some of the luncheons I will have to go to and most of my friends will probably not be in the legal profession.
I feel that is a fair prediction, the costume that needs to be worn while doing the formal legal stuff is not my favorite thing and I am struggling to not include the funny things or cute things to make people smile that I am accustomed to doing as a teacher.
Who knows what the future hold for me, but I will always try to insert my fun personality no matter what.  I just wish the legal profession would appreciate it.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Still in School

Grades finally came in and I have a high enough GPA that I will be allowed to stay in law school for two more years until I graduate.  I have decided to add getting a Master of Library Science to my J.D. degree while working full time, because I love the library.  I realize I am not writing this daily, like I was first under the delusion that I would be able to when I started law school two years ago.  I can't explain why, unless you are in law school, then you just understand.  My brain feels like it has been on constant overload for the past two years, and I have two more years to go.  A classmate was kind enough to point out that we are half way done, and at first I was excited then the dread came over me.  I am half way done, but the two years blew by and dragged on at the same time.  I know many of you think this may not be possible, but attend law school and you will realize that the time warp and loop holes scientists create theories about are real.  Two weeks of finals four months away seems like it would take forever and that you have plenty of time to do things like study.  However those four months will go by quicker than you think, except in a 50 minute class that feels like it takes four hours.  The two weeks of finals take forever except in the exams those three hours blitz by you in what feels like 15 minutes.
I know this is mostly rambles, and I could make a promise to try and do better at posting on a monthly or weekly basis, but for the imaginary people I think might be reading this I wont lie to you.  I can't even delude myself into thinking that after two years I would be able to better manage my time to find away to post an update more frequently.  Law school has been sucking time away from things I would like to do, and the things I would love to do are shortened down to what fits in between a study session and what little sleep I can afford myself.
I am still alive, I am still in law school, I am still a teacher, and I am half way done.  If I made it through the first two years I can make it through the next two - that might be my motto this summer as I take classes and as I start fall classes in just a few very short months.

Monday, March 25, 2013


Simple thing that made me smile: getting tickets to another race (even if I am scared it will take too much time away form studying)

Simple thing that made me thankful: that I got 4 more flashcards done and some of my outline done before class today

Best line of the day:
She made my weekend - said about me by a professor when I sent her an answer to a question she asked in Thursday's class.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

pearls of wisdom

Today I got some great words of wisdom from my adviser and I feel it would be appropriate to share with those contemplating going to law school or those in law school.

1. You will never have an easy semester in law school, you will not have a semester that allows you to just skate.

2. If you spend four years of your life in law school, it means you should be a law librarian.  Don't should yourself into taking the bar and spending a lot of time on something that you don't plan to do anything with.

3. We like your work, we want to see you around, and we want you around when we can pay you for being here.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Best line from a law professor

"We wouldn't be here if people didn't consent to sex.  It is natural"  My law professor explaining one of the reasoning used by the jury when dealing with sexual assault cases.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day 2013

Yes tonight I am spending the night with 70 or so classmates and 3 professors.  It is every evening law school student's dream on Valentine's Day.  While I am single and don't per se have plans, knowing I should not even bother because I am in class was a little depressing this year.  I have been dropping weight at a pretty good rate since getting back from St. Thomas and even today I have maintained a health calorie intake, even if the calories were mostly cupcakes and candy.  I am sitting in class and looking around and thinking "Yup, this is a Valentine's Day I will want to forget."  There has never been a super special nor a horribly bad Valentine's Day for me.  I love this holiday for the hearts, pink and purple, and cuteness that is generated.  Instead of that this year I have been kind of sad, since I knew I would be stuck in class for 3 hours.  I feel the silver lining is that next year's Valentine's Day should definitely be better. While this is not completely law school related, the need to say while not horrible having class tonight was a serious bummer. Midterms start in two weeks - the joys of pending grades will soon be upon us.  Bring the crazy on!  Bring on the Stress! I have no idea how I will deal with it, but I think my new motto will be I tried, therefore you cannot criticize me.

New motto for the next month:
I tried, therefore you cannot criticize me!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

more advice from tonight's professors

Some of you may decide not to take the bar exam, to those of you that go that way more power to you.  For those of you that choose to submit yourself to that punishment good luck.
(yeah, that really makes me want to go up there and sign up for the bar exam)

Remember don't kill anyone.
(advice on how to avoid getting fired)

I have been sworn in at the Supreme Court, it really isn't that big of a deal, but it is a cool thing to do.
(If I pass the bar she is the person I am going to, to ask if I she can help me get sworn in by the Supreme Court)

If this is advice from lawyers who have gone through law school, taken the bar exam, passed the bar exam, and are practicing lawyers - my question is what I am worried about? Oh yeah, passing law school must happen first.

Monday, January 28, 2013


Breathe, Breathe, Breathe.
That is all I hear in my head.
Breathe, Breathe, Breathe.
Trying to convince myself it is not important.
Breathe, Breathe, Breathe.
Staying is school is what matters.
Breathe, Breathe, Breathe.
Grades are not the end all be all.
Breathe, Breathe, Breathe.
Waiting to see how I did.
Breathe, Breathe, Breathe.
Convincing myself this does not define me.
Breathe, Breathe, Breathe.
Waiting, worrying, wondering.
Breathe, Breathe, Breathe.
Slow your heartbeat, stop being scared.
Breathe, Breathe, Breathe.
There is so much more out there.
Breathe, Breathe, Breathe.
Remember sandy beaches, salt air, warmth.
Breathe, Breathe, Breathe.
Laughter, love, star filled sky.
Breathe, Breathe, Breathe.
At peace with whatever may come.
Breathe, Breathe, Breathe.
Peace, tranquility, serenity.
Breathe, Breathe, Breathe.

And the cycle begins again, as I await my grades form last semester.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

waiting for grades

I am still waiting for grades.  I have started the Spring semester without all of my grades.  The two grades that were posted, had me where I thought I would be - but in all honesty I was hoping for slightly higher grades.  I found out my grades while I was on vacation in the U.S. Virgin Islands - I decided before I saw my grades that if I had failed out of law school I would be crashing on my friends couch while I looked for a job down there.  I am back here in North Carolina sitting in class talking about the Federal Rules of Evidence and unfair prejudice.  BUT, I am still waiting for one grade to come in.  I am hoping I stay in law school, because let's be honest who want to flunk out of law school?  Not I.  Yet, a the same time I am wishing I was back on a sunny warm beach, with a happy disposition.  While I wait for my last grade to get posted I am sitting in class, enjoying that I am here but missing being on the beach.  I am enjoying law school but not the stress it brings into my life.
I am no longer regretting starting law school - I have not found my balance, but I am hoping I am getting closer to it.  I think more trips to the beach are in my future - and a reunion with the USVIs immediately after I take the NC bar exam if not sooner.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Still here

Two of my classes for last semester posted the grades.  I am still in law school, which is good.  I checked my grades while on vacation in St. Thomas and realized I had to come back from paradise because I am still in law school.  That is a good thing, but it was sad to leave St. Thomas.  I missed the first night of classes due to this much needed vacation.  Now I am mentally preparing myself to get back into the swing of things both with working and then going to class.  I am hoping that this semester goes as well if not better than last semester so that I can stay in law school.  Maybe when I am done I will see about starting a practice in the U.S. Virgin Islands.  Still waiting for my third class posts grades - I figure if all else fails I am going to find a job in St. Thomas and spend my life in sunshine, salty air, and paradise.