Monday, April 2, 2012

Spring has sprung

Spring has sprung, with the spring semester in full bloom.  Mid-terms are over, I got my grades back - looks like I will be staying in law school for a little while longer.  I had to register for summer class, got into two of the classes I wanted, but missed out on one I really wanted.  I had to register for fall classes, but I don't really have a say in what I take so I don't know why they made me register.  I have decided I will not let Law School take all the fun out of my life.  I have started taking my one night off from classes and doing a variety of different activities so that I get exercise and relax.  I will be attempting to do a 5k this fall, and I am think if I start practicing now I will successful be able to jog/walk it.  I am determined that sitting in classes for 3+ hours 3 nights a week for the next four years will not be a bad thing for my body.  Anyone out there have ideas on how to help my keep my energy up? my weight down? all while stuck in classes.

6 word story for my day:
Woke up, job, school, now sleepy.

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