Sunday, April 22, 2012

Finals Fast Approaching

Finals are fast approaching, assignments are due in just a few short days, and my stress level is going up faster than a rocket.  I have really tried to relax and have fun this semester, sometimes I feel like I have been able to do that, and days like this morning I feel like I am sinking in cases.  I have been keeping up with flashcards as the chapters and ideas are completed in class.  I am working on having fun with friends outside of class, I make plans ahead of time and really schedule in fun, but at least I am having fun.  Last  weekend I got in a shadowboxing class, that was great stress relief.  I miss shooting with my bow and arrow, but the weather has not really allowed it.  I am exercising (meaning walking mostly) more, in hopes that it will help with my stress level.  But, right now as I type this I just keep thinking you have a paper due in 3 days and finals start in a week you need to be proofing the paper instead of letting your thoughts ramble out and you need to start taking the practice tests, and continue studying the flashcards.  I am starting to like Quizlet to help me study flashcards at work and just typing the information has been helpful sometimes.  I have been told this will be handy in 4 years when I have to take the bar - but right now I am just concerned with staying above a C average and not being kicked out of law school.  I have no idea how I will do, but I need to go study to make sure I do the best I can.  Isn't that what we tell kids, just do the best you can, that is all we want out of you.  Why does that change when you become an adult?

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