Sunday, April 22, 2012

Finals Fast Approaching

Finals are fast approaching, assignments are due in just a few short days, and my stress level is going up faster than a rocket.  I have really tried to relax and have fun this semester, sometimes I feel like I have been able to do that, and days like this morning I feel like I am sinking in cases.  I have been keeping up with flashcards as the chapters and ideas are completed in class.  I am working on having fun with friends outside of class, I make plans ahead of time and really schedule in fun, but at least I am having fun.  Last  weekend I got in a shadowboxing class, that was great stress relief.  I miss shooting with my bow and arrow, but the weather has not really allowed it.  I am exercising (meaning walking mostly) more, in hopes that it will help with my stress level.  But, right now as I type this I just keep thinking you have a paper due in 3 days and finals start in a week you need to be proofing the paper instead of letting your thoughts ramble out and you need to start taking the practice tests, and continue studying the flashcards.  I am starting to like Quizlet to help me study flashcards at work and just typing the information has been helpful sometimes.  I have been told this will be handy in 4 years when I have to take the bar - but right now I am just concerned with staying above a C average and not being kicked out of law school.  I have no idea how I will do, but I need to go study to make sure I do the best I can.  Isn't that what we tell kids, just do the best you can, that is all we want out of you.  Why does that change when you become an adult?

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter

Easter weekend has been a mix between relaxing fun and starting to prepare for finals.  I have about 3 weeks of classes left, so I have started getting my flash cards ready and study material together.  It has been nice to be with friends and family during meals, but because of plans scheduled for the next several weekends I need to start preparing now. I have started to realize that while I squeeze in scheduled fun I am cramming in studying and school work everywhere I can.  My hope for a fun life, while attending law school is difficult.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Spring has sprung

Spring has sprung, with the spring semester in full bloom.  Mid-terms are over, I got my grades back - looks like I will be staying in law school for a little while longer.  I had to register for summer class, got into two of the classes I wanted, but missed out on one I really wanted.  I had to register for fall classes, but I don't really have a say in what I take so I don't know why they made me register.  I have decided I will not let Law School take all the fun out of my life.  I have started taking my one night off from classes and doing a variety of different activities so that I get exercise and relax.  I will be attempting to do a 5k this fall, and I am think if I start practicing now I will successful be able to jog/walk it.  I am determined that sitting in classes for 3+ hours 3 nights a week for the next four years will not be a bad thing for my body.  Anyone out there have ideas on how to help my keep my energy up? my weight down? all while stuck in classes.

6 word story for my day:
Woke up, job, school, now sleepy.