Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Snow Days

When Snow Days happen in law school it is a time of joy and dread.
Joy because you know you will have extra time to study, read, outline, and not be in class and dread for almost the same reasons.  Plus, you may also have to make up the class time.  If you are nice your professors can be good sports and use something like a CALI exercise.

I often found Snow Days great to catch up and try and get ahead in readings and outlining.  For those who are facing the same possibility of snow days the next few days may a I make a few suggestions.

1. doing some reading - you will thank yourself if you get even one or two cases ahead
2. doing some outlining - you will thank yourself if you start now even if it is only the second or third week in the semester
3. maybe make some flashcards - yes even if it is only the second or third week in the semester a few cards here and a few cards there mean more review and less time making them at the end of the semester
4. take a break and watch a movie - I loved being a student and getting Amazon Prime at the student rate, with a free trial (great to watch movies while studying or taking a break).

5. Spend a few minutes outside enjoying the snow fall and living in the moment.

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