Thursday, September 6, 2012

Criminal Procedures - the joys of advice

That is a dumb place to hide drugs, if you are going to hide drugs, hid in the briefcase or on yourself.

As my Criminal Procedures Professor explains about close proximity, this was his comment on the case Maryland v. Pringle.  I love how honest he is when talking about drug cases and being realistic on people speeding, and what clients will do and say.  I think everyone should be this honest about how criminals will behave and realistic to what college students will have experienced.
While I have no interest in working in criminal law, criminals can be scary people, why willingly work around them all day, everyday?  I am truly enjoying my Criminal Procedures Class.

Advice on where criminals hide:
Typically people under the bed or in the attic.  We don't have too many basements around here, but sometimes there.  You would be surprised how many times people come crashing down from hiding in the attic.

I love criminal procedures, great cases to read and a great professor

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