Monday, August 27, 2012

Bad Forcast

As I am writing this my professor is explaining the fact that only about 80% of the students who take the NC Bar exam pass.  He is stating that you need to read and pay attention in class so that when you have that day of reckoning you will hopefully be able to pull the information out of your head.  Now he is talking about the joy or the devastation of finding out the results of the exam.  It is good to know that as long as I am willing to pay $800 I can take the exam as may times as I need to.  Right now, I am thinking if it took JFK Jr. three or four times to pass the NY Bar exam, as long as I can do it in that amount of time or better than I should be doing good.  I don't know what to make of this.  Should I be in fear of a test that I don't take for several years (yes, I am) or should I move to a land of denial and pretend I wont have to take the test for several years so I can delay worrying (trying).  I feel like the storm is brewing off the coast and I am standing on the shore just waiting for it to hit me, but is just out there growing stronger and taunting me.  I think it might be a wise idea to find another option that allows me to seek some cover.  I know if I get a joint degree I don't have to take and pass the bar exam, but I would still want to just to see if I could.  I mean why spend 4 years of my life giving up a social life, 3 nights of the week I am stuck in classes and then I have to find time after work to get the reading, assignments and studying, if I am not willing to at least try to become a lawyer?  That being decided, sadly, I must figure out what to do about that big scary test looming ahead.  The advice to study hard and review seems simple, but will no doubt be much harder to do when the time actually comes.  I'll keep my fingers crossed, buy a rabbit's foot and search for a four leaf clover before I have to take the bar exam, and take any other good luck charms/rituals that I can find between now and then.

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