Sunday, July 31, 2011

2 weeks to go

I now just have 2 weeks left before my law school career begins.  I am starting to feel the dread and fear that my life will be drastically different for the next for years, and that my social life will be almost non-existent.  People keep telling me this will be a good thing, if I don't like it I don't have to finish it (that nerd part of me just doesn't think I can start a school program and then not finish it), and my personal favorite it will be worth it in the end.  The end might be worth it, but is what I will have to go through until the end worth it?  What if I don't want to be a lawyer in the end?  What if I can't find a job as a lawyer in the end?  This economy isn't the best so why would we need more lawyers.  The fear has definitely hit me, and I am hoping that once the classes start it will go away.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Tuition and Books

My journey in law school begins.  I have officially paid my first semester's tuition and I have ordered books for all but one of my classes.  That is a ton of money, and I still have to pay for the Spring Semester in a few short months.  I don't know what I have gotten myself into, but I hope that somehow and in someway this will help me.  If anyone out there remembers the fears of starting law school while working full time, please let me know if they fear of being crazy goes away once classes start.  I just keep thinking this is a crazy thing to do, and that I am crazy to be working full time and taking classes three nights a week so that I can get a J.D.  Other people do this, so surely I can to.  Maybe if I just keep telling myself that I can make it through the next few weeks until classes actually start.