Monday, August 31, 2015

Passing the Bar Exam

I have just gotten the letter that confirms that I have passed the bar exam.  I was asked by a friend who has yet to take it for some advice.
Here is what I immediately thought of:
1. Do at least 1 essay a day AND at least 10-20 multiple practice questions a day.
2. Read the answers to the multiples, both the right answer and why other choices were wrong.
3. Use a review program, and pay attention to their tips/tricks to memorize information and state specific rules.
4. As you get closer (like 3 weeks) do at least 2 essays a day AND 40 multiple choice questions a day. You are building stamina.
5. If you have the chance to do mock exams - do them and follow the time constraints your state will use.
6. It is true that you should do every essay and multiple you can get your hands on, it is practice and reading the answers will help you.
7. Pace yourself, it is a marathon not a sprint.  Figure out what you need to do and how much time you need to do it.  Then spread it out so you get everything in a week to two weeks before the exam and spend that extra time on what you feel weakest in.
8. The day before the exam only do multiple choice and no more than 50 practice questions.
9. DO your best on the exam, you learned it in law school or during the review, you just need to remember it.