Thursday, May 7, 2015


Graduation is finally here.
Four years ago I started this journey and it has been so time consuming, emotionally consuming, and physically exhausting.  However, I could not have been more thankful for what I went through, and that I have made it through this.  I don't know what my future hold, but I am thankful that I decided to make this change in my life and battled through this.  I am thankful for my friends and family that have stood by me, encouraged me, and been there even when I couldn't stand myself.

I am getting ready to graduate tomorrow, and I am starting to prepare for the bar examination.  This blog was meant to help me record my experiences, but I quickly realized that working full-time, and doing a joint degree meant the daily logs I hoped for would not happen.  I am hopeful that soon I will be able to turn this blog into a tips, hints, strategies, and advice page for those considering going to law school and those going through it.

I look forward to the new challenges that my life will hold, whatever they may be.