Monday, October 5, 2015

Marbury v. Madison

A Constitutional Law Landmark Case that helped establish Judicial Review and that Congress cannot tell the Supreme Court how to decide cases.  C-SPAN did a 90 minute show on Marbury v. Madison.

Seeing the original writing and watching the show really helps you understand this case, more so than just reading the case in a casebook.
PBS and The History Channel also have some good background and explanations on why this case is important.

Monday, August 31, 2015

Passing the Bar Exam

I have just gotten the letter that confirms that I have passed the bar exam.  I was asked by a friend who has yet to take it for some advice.
Here is what I immediately thought of:
1. Do at least 1 essay a day AND at least 10-20 multiple practice questions a day.
2. Read the answers to the multiples, both the right answer and why other choices were wrong.
3. Use a review program, and pay attention to their tips/tricks to memorize information and state specific rules.
4. As you get closer (like 3 weeks) do at least 2 essays a day AND 40 multiple choice questions a day. You are building stamina.
5. If you have the chance to do mock exams - do them and follow the time constraints your state will use.
6. It is true that you should do every essay and multiple you can get your hands on, it is practice and reading the answers will help you.
7. Pace yourself, it is a marathon not a sprint.  Figure out what you need to do and how much time you need to do it.  Then spread it out so you get everything in a week to two weeks before the exam and spend that extra time on what you feel weakest in.
8. The day before the exam only do multiple choice and no more than 50 practice questions.
9. DO your best on the exam, you learned it in law school or during the review, you just need to remember it.

Thursday, May 7, 2015


Graduation is finally here.
Four years ago I started this journey and it has been so time consuming, emotionally consuming, and physically exhausting.  However, I could not have been more thankful for what I went through, and that I have made it through this.  I don't know what my future hold, but I am thankful that I decided to make this change in my life and battled through this.  I am thankful for my friends and family that have stood by me, encouraged me, and been there even when I couldn't stand myself.

I am getting ready to graduate tomorrow, and I am starting to prepare for the bar examination.  This blog was meant to help me record my experiences, but I quickly realized that working full-time, and doing a joint degree meant the daily logs I hoped for would not happen.  I am hopeful that soon I will be able to turn this blog into a tips, hints, strategies, and advice page for those considering going to law school and those going through it.

I look forward to the new challenges that my life will hold, whatever they may be.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Some Interesting Cyberbullying Cases

Cyberbullying cases are going to be on the rise.  States are trying to figure out how to protect children and  victims of crimes/domestic abuse/stalking.  Several states have made attempts at putting statutes into effect on this matter.  Below are cases that address these statutes, if I find a statute that has been upheld or not challenged I will add it.
Please note this is a working document, and laws and cases change. These cases and statutes may be appealed or overturned, so you need to check before citing these cases or relying on them.

New York:
People v. Marquan, 24 N.Y. 3d 1 (2014)  - A high school student anonymously posted sexual information and photographs of fellow classmates.
Justia  NY Courts
Articles and reviews/summaries of the cases:
Reuters article  NYCLU article

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Some interesting First amendment cases based on celebrities

The Case revolving George Carlin's "filthy words" routine from 1973.

FCC v. Pacifica Foundations, 438 U.S. 726 (1978)
Justia  Findlaw  CaseBriefs

The case about the "wardrobe malfunction" Janet Jackson had at her Super Bowl Halftime Performance
FCC v. Fox Television Stations, Inc. (2012)

 Supreme Court 

The Case about Napster, the music sharing company, that the band Metallica was involved with.
Justia  CaseText