Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Graduation looms

Graduation is now under 200 days away, and I have been told I am not nice and not patient.  The stress is finally getting to me and showing.  I realize that I am freaking out, but I am not able to stop myself - I am feeling overwhelmed and don't know how to get out of it.  I try to do things that are fun, but I am still worried all the time about school and graduating and everything that it entails.  I am freaking out and people are pointing it out to me.  I don't know how to stop worrying.  The light at the end of the tunnel is starting to be seen and it scares me more than I am able to deal with.

The fear is real, and as much as I try I can't hold my fears at bay.  I am trying to be nice and my normal bubbly self, but it seems to be cracking and I can't keep it up.  I am afraid of many things and now the change in personality might be one of them.  I am really trying to stay my bubbly nice self and I will continue to try, but according to my mom I am not doing a good job at it.

I promise to try and stay nice and positive even as the stress closes down on me and scaring me just as badly as I was when I first started this journey just a few short years ago.