Sunday, May 11, 2014

Almost there, but still so far to go

This weekend, I saw I glimpse of what will happen in one year for me.  I see the finish line, but feel like I am still just starting the marathon.  There are so many cliches that I could write, but it all boils down to this: I have come so far in three years, but feel like it has just started because there is still so far to go.  I am constantly in this weird place, where time is flying by so fast yet at the same time go so slow.  If I am lucky and I can keep working hard I will be graduating law school in one year.  This means that my life will be in this wibbly wobbly time flux that will make the year fly by faster than the concord, yet drag on so slow it will feel like a slug's pace for parts of it.  I do not know what my future holds, but I am on the treadmill that I started on three years ago and I intend to see this to the end.

I have much to do, and hope to write more.