Tuesday, August 20, 2013


What is thingyness?

Sometimes law professors ask the best questions.  Tonight this was the best line of the day/night and yes there really is a serious answer to this rather silly sounding question.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Third Fall Semester Begins

In a few short days my Third Fall Semester of Law School will begin.  I am already preparing and trying to get readings done for the first two weeks.  I am amazed at how quickly the summer went by and how much I enjoyed the summer classes I was in.
I am getting ready to start what will be a crazy ride, but one that I have come to enjoy and dread in equal parts depending upon the moment you catch me.  I enjoy the classes, the classmates, the learning, the research, the experiences.  I dread the massive amounts of reading (which is odd since I love to read to so much), the massive amounts of case briefing, the writing (I admit I am not the best at it), and the exams.  Even as I teacher I don't feel exams are always the best way to show learning that has occurred.  I am looking forward to this semester, maybe more than the previous semesters.

I made it half-way this four year journey in my life, and I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.  It is faint, but I see the edges of the rays.  Right now I am feeling like myself, but we will see how I feel in December after finals.