Monday, June 24, 2013

Still in School

Grades finally came in and I have a high enough GPA that I will be allowed to stay in law school for two more years until I graduate.  I have decided to add getting a Master of Library Science to my J.D. degree while working full time, because I love the library.  I realize I am not writing this daily, like I was first under the delusion that I would be able to when I started law school two years ago.  I can't explain why, unless you are in law school, then you just understand.  My brain feels like it has been on constant overload for the past two years, and I have two more years to go.  A classmate was kind enough to point out that we are half way done, and at first I was excited then the dread came over me.  I am half way done, but the two years blew by and dragged on at the same time.  I know many of you think this may not be possible, but attend law school and you will realize that the time warp and loop holes scientists create theories about are real.  Two weeks of finals four months away seems like it would take forever and that you have plenty of time to do things like study.  However those four months will go by quicker than you think, except in a 50 minute class that feels like it takes four hours.  The two weeks of finals take forever except in the exams those three hours blitz by you in what feels like 15 minutes.
I know this is mostly rambles, and I could make a promise to try and do better at posting on a monthly or weekly basis, but for the imaginary people I think might be reading this I wont lie to you.  I can't even delude myself into thinking that after two years I would be able to better manage my time to find away to post an update more frequently.  Law school has been sucking time away from things I would like to do, and the things I would love to do are shortened down to what fits in between a study session and what little sleep I can afford myself.
I am still alive, I am still in law school, I am still a teacher, and I am half way done.  If I made it through the first two years I can make it through the next two - that might be my motto this summer as I take classes and as I start fall classes in just a few very short months.