Monday, March 25, 2013


Simple thing that made me smile: getting tickets to another race (even if I am scared it will take too much time away form studying)

Simple thing that made me thankful: that I got 4 more flashcards done and some of my outline done before class today

Best line of the day:
She made my weekend - said about me by a professor when I sent her an answer to a question she asked in Thursday's class.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

pearls of wisdom

Today I got some great words of wisdom from my adviser and I feel it would be appropriate to share with those contemplating going to law school or those in law school.

1. You will never have an easy semester in law school, you will not have a semester that allows you to just skate.

2. If you spend four years of your life in law school, it means you should be a law librarian.  Don't should yourself into taking the bar and spending a lot of time on something that you don't plan to do anything with.

3. We like your work, we want to see you around, and we want you around when we can pay you for being here.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Best line from a law professor

"We wouldn't be here if people didn't consent to sex.  It is natural"  My law professor explaining one of the reasoning used by the jury when dealing with sexual assault cases.