Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day 2013

Yes tonight I am spending the night with 70 or so classmates and 3 professors.  It is every evening law school student's dream on Valentine's Day.  While I am single and don't per se have plans, knowing I should not even bother because I am in class was a little depressing this year.  I have been dropping weight at a pretty good rate since getting back from St. Thomas and even today I have maintained a health calorie intake, even if the calories were mostly cupcakes and candy.  I am sitting in class and looking around and thinking "Yup, this is a Valentine's Day I will want to forget."  There has never been a super special nor a horribly bad Valentine's Day for me.  I love this holiday for the hearts, pink and purple, and cuteness that is generated.  Instead of that this year I have been kind of sad, since I knew I would be stuck in class for 3 hours.  I feel the silver lining is that next year's Valentine's Day should definitely be better. While this is not completely law school related, the need to say while not horrible having class tonight was a serious bummer. Midterms start in two weeks - the joys of pending grades will soon be upon us.  Bring the crazy on!  Bring on the Stress! I have no idea how I will deal with it, but I think my new motto will be I tried, therefore you cannot criticize me.

New motto for the next month:
I tried, therefore you cannot criticize me!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

more advice from tonight's professors

Some of you may decide not to take the bar exam, to those of you that go that way more power to you.  For those of you that choose to submit yourself to that punishment good luck.
(yeah, that really makes me want to go up there and sign up for the bar exam)

Remember don't kill anyone.
(advice on how to avoid getting fired)

I have been sworn in at the Supreme Court, it really isn't that big of a deal, but it is a cool thing to do.
(If I pass the bar she is the person I am going to, to ask if I she can help me get sworn in by the Supreme Court)

If this is advice from lawyers who have gone through law school, taken the bar exam, passed the bar exam, and are practicing lawyers - my question is what I am worried about? Oh yeah, passing law school must happen first.