Thursday, October 25, 2012

life estate

You can have a life estate based on a person that doesn't know about it and that is not involved in the deal.  My professor then explained that she wouldn't pick a certain celebrity who has been arrested repeatedly for drugs and alcohol related events.  She claimed not to want bad luck on the person, but that she is doing a pretty good job of bad luck on her own.  Then my professor said if you don't wan the person to have a long life estate you might actually want to do a life estate based on this actress.
Only in law school would this bring a round of laughter.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Advice on Finals

from my professors:
At 9pm there are bars all over (enter your location here) that are waiting to accommodate you.  You should finish your final and go visit them.

There are 10 questions because it is easy to count them.

Just don't drive after you have imbibed.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Some career advice from one of my professors

*Don't put yourself in a position where you will need bail.

*If you want have an impact on the court system become a prosecutor.

*Don't let people know where you live.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

who says that?

My Property professor loves to say "maybe he likes the cut of her jib?"  who says that anymore?
She has been saying that since we started life-estates.  Property law has made me realize I don't want to practice law in Massachusetts, Delaware, Maine, and Rhode Island because of their wacky property laws.  I have decided California law is just too weird for me to want to practice there.  Out of the 50 states I might be able to practice in I have now ruled out 10% of them.  I should just stick to where I am learning law, but being realistic I think with double majoring it might be a real possibility to end up practicing in another state.  This is clearly something I need to keep in mind, however I will do everything in my power to not practice in the five states listed above
Any advice out there?

Monday, October 8, 2012

Putting it in perspective

My Criminal Procedure's Professor on the Panthers loosing a football game.
Just think about it this way they made as much for playing last night than many of you make all year.

One of my classmates:
They made way more than that last night.

There is the perspective for why to stick it out in law school.  I'll never make as much as the NFL players but maybe my yearly salary will at least be equal to one of their game paychecks.