Thursday, June 28, 2012

Why I need to keep having fun in law school

When you stop doing things for fun, you might as well be dead. - Hemingway

Inspirational Quote

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. " ( Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

good quotes of the day

If you are smelling worse you are buying the wrong perfume.

It is like the big AKC name, and they call him Bud.  You need the big long name and the call name.

I want to be on the side of the consumer, it is like being on the side of the angels

Vaseline tried to fight the good fight.

Monday, June 4, 2012

crazy things you hear in law school

That is the sort of crap everyone was saying about their product.

The guy that was whining because he was not on a best seller.

Probably some of you just sent that, or Facebook status.

Here is your birth certificate and calf, if you loose your calf you loose your citizenship (talking about Texas)

Throw the libelous book at each other

The aliens came down and hung him, is unreasonable

They weren't debt cards, I feel like I am talking about the caveman days.

If you act recklessly you'll have to pay for what you break. (seems like common sense to me)

Local ingredients, we want to know the name of the pig.  He did happy and wanted to be put on top of a pizza, so we honored his wish.

BS detector goes off - been shopping?

Thrusting yourself into the public vortex