Thursday, May 31, 2012

Remember when...

More great quotes from my lawyer professors

The talk of China today used to be what was said about the South, from the people in the North East.

Remember when this country used to manufacture things?

Remember when there was employment in this country?

You get the value of things that are not normally on the legal market.

I sound like the 1st Wall Street "Greed is Good!"

It is the most clickish, cut throat business.  They have vanished from the face of the Earth, if you try to follow the person who cuts your hair to a new location.

"You see me rollin'"

You'll never be disappointed by having a low opinion of human behavior

Thursday, May 24, 2012

more crazy things my law professor says

It is a big fat hairy deal when you break your promise to marry

There is no crying in contracts, except in a couple big exceptions

"It is a one way street, dudes cannot be seduced."

Crazy things my law professors say

"Bitch stole my dentist."

"The parade of little horribles."

"Bump and sue."

"Tab A, slot B"