Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Still Unsure

I have survived my first semester, gotten my grades, started classes, had a change in professors, and now realize that it is a month until mid-terms.  I have spent several class session day dreaming, thinking of writing a book, and contemplating why I should stay in law school.  I have turned my day dreams into the rough sketch of an rough outline for a book, and have not figured out why I should stay in law school.  I am determined to stay until I figure it out.  Maybe when I can take electives instead of required 1L courses it will come to me.  I know that law school is not fun, I have not met a lawyer who has told me that law school was the time of their life, or it was the most fun they have ever had.  However, I need fun in my life.  I realize life is short and I follow my mantra: I work hard so that when I have the chance to play I can.  I am working hard in law school right now, but will not let it get in the way of my play time.  I am taking a night off from class to go to a concert, and I don't feel bad about it.  I am nervous about mid-terms and trying to study and understand the materials, however, I refuse to let my life become what it was last semester when I worked so hard I raised my blood pressure, was so stressed I literally broke out in a rash and had panic attacks, and hardly saw my friends or enjoyed myself.  I promise myself this semester will be different.
I will find a method that allows me to pass law school and still enjoy my life and my friends.  I truly know I don't need the A in classes I just need to pass and keep my GPA at a place where the law school will let me stay enrolled.
Until then, I am willing to take advice and guidance from any one who has been in my shoes and is willing to share words of wisdom or warn me of mistakes not to make