Sunday, November 6, 2011

November 6, 2011

Simple thing I am thankful for: parents who love me

Simple thing that made me smile: oatmeal

Best line of the day: Those two need to wipe each other out so the points race will include more people - my mom while watching the Texas NASCAR race

Saturday, November 5, 2011

advice of others

I have been listening to advice from everyone and anyone who will share, some I have taken, some I have ignored, some I am on the fence about.  I am trying to remain peaceful, but realize that the stress is creeping into my life in almost every place and in every way.  I am really trying hard not to let it stress me out, but I feel like I am losing the battle. I don't know how this will be and how I will survive the next four years.  I know I used to be fun and enjoyable, I am slowly realizing that is slipping away little by little due to the stress and the amount of studying I have to do.  I am hoping I can find away of not letting it slip away even more.  I am getting emotionally drained too fast and too often lately.  Anyone out there have advice?  I am willing to listen.